On the occasion of English Montreal School Board Teacher Recognition Day on May 8, three teachers will be presented with special awards from P.F. Chang’s and La Cage Brasserie Sportive, as well as certificates and gift cards to Chapters/Indigo. The winners will be profiled on promotion co-sponsor CityNews Montreal.
MAP (Modified Academic Programme)
Modified cycle one secondary school curriculum (Secondary 1 & 2)
CASP (Competency-based Approach to Social Participation)
Focus on social skills and functional academics from ages 12 to 15 with moderage to severe intellectual impairments.
Functional academics, hands-on living skills and introduction to working life.
Pre-Work and Semi-Skilled Trade
Functional academics combined with work placements.
Autonomy Preparation Program
Focus on students' autonomy, self-advocacy, self-care skills, as well as academic progression in preparation for independence.
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