L.I.N.K.S High School

At L.I.N.K.S High School we offer a variety of programs;

  1. CASP to DÉFIS
  2. MAP to WOTP to APP

The criteria for each program is dependent on each student’s level of cognitive function, academic ability, degree of autonomy and age. There is some flexibility permitting movement between the two pathways depending on the student’s progress and needs. Please see Figure 1 below for an overview of the Program map.

Figure 1: Program Pathways

Table 1: Programs and Certifications at L.I.N.KS High School




DEFIS (Challenges)

  • Successful attainment of competencies in basic subjects and social integration
  • Accrual of 900 hours of instruction and life-skills training per year over the course of 5 years

Certificate of completion issued by the English Montreal School Board  

Certification of a Practicum for students who complete a work placement 

Pre-work Training (PWT)

  • Mastery of at least 7 specific competencies associated to one or more semi-skilled trades
  • Mastery of workplace attitudes and behaviours
  • Minimum 900 hours of work placement experience (over the duration of the program)

Pre-Work Training certificate issued by the Ministry of Education  (MEQ)

Training for Semi-skilled Trade (TST)

  • Similar to PWT, but students must master all of the specific competencies pertaining to a single semi-skilled trade
  • Mastery of workplace attitudes and behaviours
  • Mastery of competencies associated with the job market
  • Minimum 900 hours of work placement experience (over the duration of the program, with at least 450 hours specific to the semi-skilled trade)

Training in the Semi-skilled Trade certificate issued by the Ministry of Education (MEQ) 

 *Note that students may complete up to two (2) different semi-skilled trade training programs during their course of studies at L.I.N.K.S High School.  They must fulfill the mastery of competencies and hours within those two semi-skilled trades to qualify. 


  • Successful attainment of competencies in basic subjects and social integration
  • Accrual of 900 hours of instruction, work placement, and life-skills training per year

Certificate of completion issued by L.I.N.K.S High School

Autonomy Preparation Program (APP)
APP is a local program that aims to teach students autonomy, self-advocacy and self-care...
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CASP (Competency-based Approach to Social Participation)
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Demarche Educative Favorisant L'integration Sociale (DÉFIS) – also known as CHALLENGES
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Modified Academic Program (MAP) 
Students who meet the objectives of MAP are referred into the WOTP pathway or into DÉFIS,...
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WOTP (Work Oriented Training Path)
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General Academic Program

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Secondary Education Program
General Information on the Secondary Education Program
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French Programs

Français, langue d'enseignement Icon
Français, langue d'enseignement
This program is identical to the one taught in the Francophone sector. Priorities are the...
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