Demarche Educative Favorisant L'integration Sociale (DÉFIS) – also known as CHALLENGES
The DÉFIS Program consists of courses focused on functional academic subjects, hands-on daily living skills and students are introduced to working life (universal job skills). This program is designed for students with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities, from age 16 to 21.
Défis is a 5-year program that offers a modified curriculum aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students with moderate to severe intellectual impairments and foster their social integration. Specialised instruction includes functional Academic and Life Skill courses connected to real life areas such as English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Transportation, Leisure, Personal Growth, Visual Arts, Home Economics, Preparation for the Job Market (exploration oriented). At the end of the programme, the school will evaluate the student’s needs and, with the help of their family, guide them to the appropriate programs available in adult education.